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Tuesday, June 29, 2010
A Blog With Substance Award!!!
I am so excited to win the "A Blog With Substance Award"!! I am so honored to receive this award...TWICE!!!
I received this award from Tricia over at Lemons to Lemonade. She has an amazing blog and it definitely has substance!!
I also received it from Lauren at MidgetMomma $1200 Budget. I am so impressed by her ability to stick to this budget! I can learn so much from her!
I want to Thank You both so much for thinking about my blog while awarding this Award!!
There are two rules for accepting this award. The first is that I have to sum up my blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience in 5 words:
Love to share a deal!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Versatile Blogger Award!
Thanks so much to Shanna over at Mommy of One and Counting for the Versatile Blogger Award!! She has a great site and I really think you should go check it out!!
Right after I made this post I saw that I received the same award from Cheap Geeks Anonymous! I feel like we have so much in common! We are both college students, both won't post pictures of ourselves, and both started our blogs within the past few months!!
Right after I made this post I saw that I received the same award from Cheap Geeks Anonymous! I feel like we have so much in common! We are both college students, both won't post pictures of ourselves, and both started our blogs within the past few months!!
The guidelines for accepting this award require the recipient to (1) thank the person who gave it to you; (2) tell 7 things about yourself; and (3) pass the award on to 05 bloggers, whom you have recently discovered and think are fantastic.
1. I am a student at the BEST University in the World!!
2. I LOVE Cheese...Like absolutely have to have it every day!!
3. I get a thrill when checking the mail!
4. I just got my first REAL job offer!!! I'll be starting when I graduate!!
5. I have 3 amazing nieces and an adorable baby nephew!
6. I LOVE buying gifts!! I get so happy to find something that I know someone will love!
7. I obsessively dab the grease out of my food. It's strange, I know...I take every one of my french fries and wrap it a napkin and squeeze. People tell me to just not eat the food, but I like it! I never not eat something I like, I just make it less fattening by squeezing out some grease!
So...For the 5 Bloggers I Recently Discovered and Love!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I'm sure that most of you have signed up for Swagbucks but for those of you who have not...SIGN UP NOW!!! Swagbucks is a Search Engine that you gives you points for using them. You can accumulate points ("Swagbucks") and redeem them for products and gift cards.
My favorite is for 450 Swagbucks you can purchase a $5 Amazon Gift Card!! These are great! So...if you haven't signed up, sign up HERE.
Sponsored Tweets- Make Money On Twitter!
Hey guys! I just signed up for Sponsored Tweets this past week and I love it so far!
If you have a Twitter account and are willing to tweet out once in a while for a can MAKE MONEY!! I currently have made 2 Tweets so I have $0.38 in my account. That's not much, but each Tweet took me about 10 seconds and that's $0.38 more than I had at the beginning of this week! As we are most bargain hunters we know the value of a penny!!
Another great thing is that Sponsored Tweets pays you through Pay Pal! I love this because I know that my information is safe that way.
So...if you are interested in signing up for Sponsored Tweets please do it through my referral link ( As a little will get extra entries into my giveaway if you do so!! (This will be checked)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tilapia...Good or Bad?
I know that this was all over the news a while back but I just had a conversation at dinner tonight with someone who apparently missed this memo. The point is that if you are trying to be "Heart Healthy" and eat the right food...try to stay away from Tilapia. There are a lot of other fish out there that are a lot better for your heart health than Tilapia.
According to researchers at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, this is mostly due to the fact that most Tilapia, now purchased in stores, are farm raised being fed corn-based foods which increases the amount of Omega-6 Fatty Acids and arachidonic acid. In a post by Jennifer Nelson, M.S., R.D. and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D. from the Mayo Clinic they write that Omega-6 Fatty Acids "are thought to paly a role in clotting function, are inflammatory and susceptible to oxidation- thereby possibly increasing risk for blood clots, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and cancers."
Of course, everything is good in moderation. It is essential that you have Omega-6 Fatty Acids, but in the average diet there is a surplus of Omega-6 Fatty Acids and a lack in Omega-3 Fatty Acids. The Omega-3 Fatty Acids are the ones that keep your heart healthy and farm-raised Tilapia is one of the groups of fish that has a higher percentage of Omega-6 Fatty Acids than Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
So the next time you go to the store...make sure to think about what you are really buying.
And please, when you are having a dinner conversation...don't say that someone is wrong about a topic, without knowing the facts yourself.
Articles for you to read on this material:
Crazy Dog T-shirts Review and Giveaway

Crazy Dog T-Shirts has a LARGE variety of T-shirts and almost everyone can find a shirt they love for themselves or for a great gift!!

Crazy Dog T-Shirts has a LARGE variety of T-shirts and almost everyone can find a shirt they love for themselves or for a great gift!!

For you Science Nerds like know what this is!!
For everyone can find it on their website HERE!
I received this shirt:
I love this shirt! Just as shown on the photo it has a vintage look to it! It is a really soft shirt and is comfortable enough for any event! The fabric is not too thick so it is great for any summer day as well!
For me, the length of a shirt is important too. This shirt is plenty long so that I don't have to worry about wearing an undershirt. This is another reason these shirts are great for summer!!
For the girls shirts, they are fitted so make sure to order according to your size. They are a great shirt for girls because they are "t-shirt comfortable" but fitted to be stylish (you don't feel like you are wearing a boys shirts like most t-shirts do).
Translation...I LOVE THESE SHIRTS!!
For me, the length of a shirt is important too. This shirt is plenty long so that I don't have to worry about wearing an undershirt. This is another reason these shirts are great for summer!!
For the girls shirts, they are fitted so make sure to order according to your size. They are a great shirt for girls because they are "t-shirt comfortable" but fitted to be stylish (you don't feel like you are wearing a boys shirts like most t-shirts do).
Translation...I LOVE THESE SHIRTS!!
Now for the exciting part!!
The wonderful people over at Crazy Dog T-shirts have offered to give one of my readers a shirt of their choice!!
Mandatory Entry:
1. Follow my blog on Google Friend Connect. (1 entry)
Please make sure to leave your e-mail address in EVERY entry. Thank you!
Extra Entries:
1. Go to Crazy Dog T-shirts and tell me which shirt you would pick if you won! (2 Entries)
2. Subscribe to my blog via e-mail and make sure to confirm the subscription. (3 Entries)
3. 'Like' Crazy Dog T-shirts on Facebook and leave a comment on their wall saying that you are visiting them from my blog. Make sure to let me know what your Facebook name. (5 Entries)
4. Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID in the comment. (2 Entries)
5. Follow Crazy Dog T-shirts on Twitter and leave your Twitter ID. (2 Entries)
6. Tweet about this Giveaway. Can be done daily. (1 entry a day)
"Enter to win a @CrazyDogTShirts @FrugalScience #giveaway"7. 'Like' Crazy Dog T-shirts on Facebook. Make sure to let me know what your Facebook name. (5 Entries)
8. Grab my button and put it on your homepage (Can be found on right hand side) (5 Entries)
9. Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to the post (4 Entries)
10. Sign up for Sponsored Tweets under my referral code: Leave your Twitter ID. This will be verified. (5 Entries)
11. Sign up for Swag Bucks HERE Leave your new Swagbucks name, this will be verified. (10 Entries)
This Giveaway will end on July 17, 2010 at 11:59 pm CST. This giveaway is open to US Residents only.
*This Review is based on my own, honest opinion of the product. I received this product free of charge and with no compensation.
Cedar's Mediterranean Foods Giveaway ENDS TONIGHT!!!
Don't forget to enter into the Cedar's Mediterranean Food Giveaway before 11:59 CST TONIGHT!!!
There are MANY ways to enter so don't miss your chance to WIN 10 FREE product coupons!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Walgreens $5 Challenge 6/20
Purchase 1:
- 2 Gillette- $4.49 each
- Use BOGO Gillette Body Wash (P&G 06/06/10)
Use $4 Schick RR from last week
Receive $4.50 Gillette RR
Pay: $.49
Purchase 2:
- Herbal $2.99
- Use $1/1 Select Herbal Essences Products Coupon (RP 05/16/10)
- 2 Gillette- $4.49 each
- Use BOGO Gillette Body Wash (P&G 06/06/10)
- Renu Sensitive Contact Solution $7.49
- Royal Pudding $.39
Use : $6 Nivea RR + $6 Nivea RR (Both from last week)
Receive $2 Herbal RR + $4.50 Gillette RR + $7.50 Renu RR
Pay : $0.36
Purchase 3 :
- Renu Sensitive Contact Solution $7.49
- Royal Pudding $.39
- Dean French Onion 8 oz $.99
Use $4.50 Gillette RR + $2 Herbal RR
Receive: $7.50 Renu RR
Pay: $.37
Pay: $1.22 Out of Pocket
Receive: $19.50 RR to use for next week!!!
I did walk in with $16 RR from last week but I'm walking out with $19.50 RR for next week so even after the $16 RR and the $1.22 in cash, I'm walking out with $2.28 more than I walked in with! Not to mention all the products I walked out with! I LOVE couponing! The shampoo, French Onion dip, and pudding is for us but we will be donating the body washes and contact solution!
I did walk in with $16 RR from last week but I'm walking out with $19.50 RR for next week so even after the $16 RR and the $1.22 in cash, I'm walking out with $2.28 more than I walked in with! Not to mention all the products I walked out with! I LOVE couponing! The shampoo, French Onion dip, and pudding is for us but we will be donating the body washes and contact solution!
Mailbox Monday 6/21

These are the items that I received in my Mailbox this Week!!

- Zero Water Pitcher won from Tatum's Family Reviews!!
- Robby Wash won from Just Another New Blog

- Free Playtex tampon and $1/1 Coupon
- Free Crest White Strip from Walmart
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
A Day For Quotes 6/20
Saturday, June 19, 2010
CSN Review!! Cuisinart Blender! And List of CSN Stores Giveaways
I have had the absolute privelege of doing a Review on a product from It was SO hard to pick out a single item because they have so many amazing products. All of their prices are VERY reasonable and less than retail prices. And to top it off...their customer service is WAY above any customer service that I have spoken to over the phone and through e-mail! I actually got off the phone smiling because the Customer Service Representative made me happy!!
The Item I chose to do a Review on was the Cuisinart SmartPower 7-Speed Electronic Blender in Chrome.

The instructions said to add liquid products first so we added milk and ice cream and mixed that.

We then added strawberries and bananas and mixed that.

Once we did so, everything was very homogeneous and smooth.
Look at all the different buttons on this blender!! Love it!!
It made the absolute best smoothie ever! It was so smooth and the quality of the blender was amazing!

The retail value of this blender is $87.95 but has it for $69.95!! Please take a look at their website! You will not regret it! I have fallen in love with so many items that I just can't pass up purchasing because they are such a GREAT price!!
There are several giveaways for Gift Cards going on right now:
Bargain Hunter- $60 CSN Gift Card Giveaway Ends 6/21/10
That's It Mommy- $40 CSN Gift Card Giveaway Ends 6/22/10
Family American Style- $40 CSN Gift Card Giveaway 6/26/10
Get Along Home- $40 CSN Gift Card Giveaway 6/30/10
Dandelions and Daffodils $40 CSN Gift Card Giveaway 6/30/10
All Aboard- $25 CSN Gift Card Giveaway 6/30/10
Extreme Personal Measures- $40 CSN Gift Card Giveaway Ends 7/1/10
Saving With Sense- $100 CSN Gift Card Giveaway Ends 7/1/10
Go Yay- $100 CSN Gift Card Giveaway 7/7/10
Frugality is Free- $40 CSN Gift Card Giveaway 7/7/10
Just Another Blog- $40 CSN Gift Card Giveaway 7/17/10
*I received this product from in order to do this review.
The Item I chose to do a Review on was the Cuisinart SmartPower 7-Speed Electronic Blender in Chrome.

The instructions said to add liquid products first so we added milk and ice cream and mixed that.

We then added strawberries and bananas and mixed that.

Once we did so, everything was very homogeneous and smooth.
Look at all the different buttons on this blender!! Love it!!
It made the absolute best smoothie ever! It was so smooth and the quality of the blender was amazing!

The retail value of this blender is $87.95 but has it for $69.95!! Please take a look at their website! You will not regret it! I have fallen in love with so many items that I just can't pass up purchasing because they are such a GREAT price!!
There are several giveaways for Gift Cards going on right now:
*I received this product from in order to do this review.
Friday, June 18, 2010
French Toast Giveaway
While we are all looking to save money, prepare this year by saving money on uniforms for your kids!
French Toast is a leading provider of uniforms.
They are also hosting a giveaway for $15,000 for the individual and school. The contest is called, “Show Us The Real ‘U’ In Uniform" and it is designed to provide a forum for students to express their individuality while wearing uniforms. All you have to do to enter is submit a video or image with a brief explanation and form!
The contest ends September 15, 2010 so make sure to enter before time runs out!!
Good Luck!!
*I am being compensated for this review by French Toast at the completion of this giveaway.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Mailbox Monday 6/13

While y'all are here...check out my Cedar's Mediterranean Food Giveaway!
This is what I have received in the Mail this Week!!

- Dove Sample
- Eucerin Sample
- Old Spice Sample
- Chik-fil-A
- Kraft First Taste Coupons
- Free Kraft Explosion Mac and Cheese
- John Frieda Sample
- Covermate Covers won on The Legacy of Home
- Aveeno Sample
If you received any exciting items in your mailbox this week and would like to share,
link up at A Frugal Friend for Mailbox Monday!

Here’s how to join in the fun:
- Add your blog link to the linky
- Subscribe by email to the three hostesses. They will return the favour.
- Visit the other blogs on the list and subscribe by email to the ones that interest you. Leave them a comment with your blog link so they know you are subscribing from Mailbox Monday. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription!
- Everyone is welcome to participate. Each week a new linky will be generated so make sure you stop by on Monday’s to add your blog.
- Your blog *must* have a place for people to e-mail subscribe.We will be subscribing to everyone’s blog who participates. If there isn’t an e-mail subscribe option, your link will be removed from the linky. This helps us all get more readers for our blogs!!!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
CVS Trip 6/13

Today I walked into CVS and they had a 90% off table with wine!! We got 10 bottles of wine for $11.88 (before tax)!!
The purchase was...
- 2 Old Spice Bodywash- $8
Use BOGO Coupon
Receive $8 ECB
- Nivea Skin Firming Lotion- $7.99
Use $1/1 Nivea Lotion
Receive $3 ECB
- 10 Bottles of Wine- $11.88
Original Price: $149.87
Sale Price: $29.19
After Coupon Price: $24.19
Used: $10.99 ECB
Spent: $11.88 Out of Pocket (You aren't allowed to use Extra Bucks on Alcohol)
I was so happy with this purchase because we are going to be able to take these to dinner parties for near nothing!!!
Walgreens $5 Challenge 6/13
Started With:
$10 P&G RR and $2.50 Kimberly Clark RR
Purchase 1:
- Hershey's 4/$10
- Receive: $5 RR
- Nivea For Men Active 3 Body Wash (16.9 oz.) $5.99
- Use: $3/1 Nivea For Men Body Wash (RP 05/02/10)
- Receive $5.99 RR
- (4) Reach Floss- $.99
- Use (4) $1/1 Reach Floss
After Coupon Price: $12.99Use: $10 P&G RR and $2.50 Kimberly Clark RR
Pay: $.49 Out of Pocket
Receive: $6 Nivea RR
Purchase 2:
- Nivea For Men Active 3 Body Wash (16.9 oz.) $5.99
- Use: $3/1 Nivea For Men Body Wash (RP 05/02/10)
- Receive $6 RR
- Schick Hydro Razor $7.99
- Use: $4/1 Schick Hydro Razor (SS 06/13/10) [Some areas have $5/1 making this a better deal]
- Receive $4 RR
- 1 Butterfinger- $.39
After Coupon Price: $7.37
Use: $5 Hershey RR from Purchase 1
Pay: $2.37 Out of Pocket
Purchase 3:
- Hershey's 4/$10
- Receive: $5 RR
Price: $10
Use: $6 Nivea and $4 Schick RR from Purchase 2
Pay: $0 Out of Pocket
Purchase 4:
- Nivea For Men Active 3 Body Wash (16.9 oz.) $5.99
- Use: $3/1 Nivea For Men Body Wash (RP 05/02/10)
- Receive $6 RR
- Schick Hydro Razor $7.99
- Use: $4/1 Schick Hydro Razor (SS 06/13/10) [Some areas have $5/1 making this a better deal]
- Receive $4 RR
- 1 Butterfinger
After Coupon Price: $7.37
Use: $5 Hershey RR from Purchase 3
Pay: $2.37 Out of Pocket
Paid: $5.23 (Before tax)
Received: $16 RR to use for next week
Thursday, June 10, 2010
It's a Social Parade!! 6/11
* Follow the blog in the first spot. I will follow all on the linky as time allows! All blogs participating must post about Social Parade every week.
* Link-up your blog post for "It's a Social Parade" that you made on your blog. See the F.A.Q and Updates for help
* Follow as many as you like commenting on their POST as you do so they can follow back!
* If you do not make a post and link that up, it is unlikely that someone will search around for a post to comment on.
While Y'all are Here...Check out my Cedar's Mediterranean Food Giveaway HERE.
While Y'all are Here...Check out my Cedar's Mediterranean Food Giveaway HERE.
CSN Stores Review Coming Soon!
I am SO excited to announce that I will be hosting a Review on
CSN Stores has so many fantastic items!!
The bathroom vanities and so many other bathroom products can be purchased here in order to make your bathroom remodeling fit your budget!
You can even enter their CSN Stores' Green and Clean Bathroom Bailout: Featuring Earth Scientist and Do Your Part® Syndicated Journalist Terri Bennett HERE.
The Prizes Include:
Grand Prize: A brand new, eco-friendly bathroom makeover from CSN Stores, worth over $10,000.
Second Prize: A soft, eco-friendly bamboo bath mat and a $250 gift card to
Third Prize: A super sturdy Ecotots Step Stool and a $50 gift card to
Second Prize: A soft, eco-friendly bamboo bath mat and a $250 gift card to
Third Prize: A super sturdy Ecotots Step Stool and a $50 gift card to
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
If you want to be a part of Welcome Wednesday, just follow these 5 simple steps:
1. Follow the Welcome Wednesday Host (Take It From Me) as well as the 2 Spotlighted Blogs of the Week. (These will make up the top three slots on the Linky)2. Link up your blog name and URL with our Linky. (You only need to add your info once for it to be seen on all the blog hops)
3. Grab our Welcome Wednesday button and include it in a post about the event on your blog.
4. Go to as many blogs on the MckLinky as you want and Follow them. Be sure to tell them you are from Welcome Wednesday!
5. Be sure to Follow back any follower
Subscribe to:
Posts (Atom)
Current Giveaways
Bride and Groom Champagne Toasting Flutes (Ends 10/7)
$25 GC to Clay Bouquet Shop (Ends 9/30)
Blog Archive
- A Blog With Substance Award!!!
- Versatile Blogger Award!
- Winner!!!
- Swagbucks!!!
- Sponsored Tweets- Make Money On Twitter!
- A Day for Quotes 6/27
- Tilapia...Good or Bad?
- Crazy Dog T-shirts Review and Giveaway
- Cedar's Mediterranean Foods Giveaway ENDS TONIGHT!!!
- Walgreens $5 Challenge 6/20
- Mailbox Monday 6/21
- A Day For Quotes 6/20
- CSN Review!! Cuisinart Blender! And List of CSN S...
- French Toast Giveaway
- Mailbox Monday 6/13
- CVS Trip 6/13
- Walgreens $5 Challenge 6/13
- A Day For Quotes 6/13
- It's a Social Parade!! 6/11
- CSN Stores Review Coming Soon!
- If you want to be a part of Welcome Wednesday, ...
- Kroger and Walmart Purchases
- CVS Purchase 6/6
- Walgreens $5 Challenge 6/6
- Mail Check 6/5
- Cedar's Mediterranean Foods Review and Giveaway!! ...
- Dove Daily Treatment Review and Glee For All Givea...
- Follow Me Fridays 6/4
- Friendly Friday 6/4
- It's a Social Parade!!
- Welcome Wednesday 6/2
- Walgreens $5 Challenge
- Wal-Mart Purchase
Versatile Blogger Award!


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