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Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Day For Quotes 9/26

A Day With Two

Each dificult moment has the potential to open my eyes and open my heart.

- Myla Kabat-Zinn
Saturday, September 25, 2010

CLOSED: Pillsbury Sweet Moments Review and Giveaway

I had the amazing opportunity to review Pillsbury Sweet Moments!  I could choose between the Bite Size or the Molten Lava Brownies and I chose the Bite Size. 
These are absolutely delicious!  
They are better than any candy or brownie or cookie or cake that I have EVER had!  
They are truly fantastic!!  If you are a chocolate lover...I would HIGHLY recommend these!!! 
For me, I would eat them during that little time when I first come home from work and nobody else is there yet and I can sit back and relax.  This is a really limited time, so the Pillsbury Sweet Moments were absolutely perfect because they are already made and Ready to Eat in their refrigerated bag!! 
On top of them being the best store bought desert I have ever had...they are from a trusted brand, Pillsbury.  We have used Pillsbury rolls, crescents, etc. for so many years and I know that I am always going to get the same high quality product.  It is nice to have consistency in food products (ESPECIALLY when they taste as good as Pillsbury Sweet Moments). 


Personally, I think that the bag is worth EVERY penny!!  If you compare the price of the bag to the purchase price of a candy bar that you would replace it with (you would have to buy multiple candy bars) the bag turns into a steal of a deal!  So, when you go to your local grocery store and are looking in the refrigerated baked goods check these out because if you are a chocolate lover like'll love them!

The amazing people over at My Blog Spark are allowing me to host a fantastic giveaway!!  They are going to give one of my readers the same prize pack that I received. 

Mandatory Entry:
1. Tell me what time of day  you could use a quick pick-me-up with new Pillsbury Sweet Moments.  (1 entry)
Please make sure to leave your e-mail address in EVERY entry.  Thank you! 
Extra Entries:
1.  Follow me on Google Friend Connect (1 entry)
2. "Like" 
Frugal Science Gal on Facebook (2 Entries) 
3. "Like" Pillsbury on Facebook and comment "I would love to win the Pillsbury Sweet Moments Prize on Frugal Science Gal" (2 Entries)
4.  Subscribe to my blog via e-mail and make sure to confirm the subscription. (2 Entries)
5. Follow @PillsburyTreats on Twitter and leave your Twitter ID in the comment. (1 Entry)
6. Follow @FrugalScience on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID in the comment. (1 Entry)
7. Tweet about this Giveaway. Can be done daily.  (1 entry a day)

Win a Pillsbury Sweet Moments Prize Pack @FrugalScience #mbsspark
8. Grab my button and put it on your homepage (Can be found on right hand side).  Leave a link to where I can find the button in the comments. (4 Entries)
9.  Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to the post in the comments (3 Entries)

This giveaway will end on October 7th at 11:59 pm CST.  The winner will be contacted via the e-mail address provided in the comments and will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen. 

*I received the package pictured above from Pillsbury which included the free product, information, and prize pack.  This was done by Pillsbury through MyBlogSpark.  

CLOSED: STRIDE Everyday Panty Review and Giveaway

This giveaway is for you!  Finally someone has come out and talked about something that many women are embarrassed to talk about, the light leaks that happen throughout the day.  Whether it is because of a hearty laugh, because you are pregnant, age, or's happened to almost all of us at least once.  These panties ensure that regardless of those leaks that you are covered!  
The founder of STRIDE Everyday Panty, Wendy Spencer,  has come up with the Oquous technology with a built in liner that Wicks Away moisture, Absorbs Moisture, Doedorizes moisture, and best of all...Keeps you Dry!  
Being a woman, she also understands the importance of physical appeal.  Instead of most practical items that are limited to a boring selection, there are various styles and colors to choose from!!  
This product has been such a success that it is even being featured in SHAPE magazine!!!

While using this product, it really does work!  I absolutely loved it and plan on purchasing some more in the future.  The only drawback to this product is that they are said to last "100 washes".  It depends on what you are used to purchasing.  If you are used to purchasing individual panties than the price and value of this is PERFECT for you!  If you are used to purchasing panties in packs at stores such as Target, then the price of these are a little steep.  If you have an issue with little leaks, these may still be perfect for you, you'll just have to expand your panty budget a little.  
As far as being comfortable...they are great!!!  I would recommend these to people who have issues with problems such as slight bladder leakage and people who are willing to pay a little extra for a high quality product.  

STRIDE even has a questionnaire on their website to help you in selecting the correct pair!  To receive a special discount type in FRUGAL2 when you check out.  This will give you FREE shipping on purchases $30 and up.  This coupon code is good until November 30th!!  They are also available at these stores.  


Mandatory Entry:
1.  Visit Stride and tell me what type and color you would like!  (1 entry)
Please make sure to leave your e-mail address in EVERY entry.  Thank you! 
Extra Entries:
1.  Follow me on Google Friend Connect (1 entry)
2. "Like" Frugal Science Gal on Facebook (2 Entries) 
3. Subscribe to my blog via e-mail and make sure to confirm the subscription. (2 Entries)
4. Follow 
@FrugalScience on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID in the comment. (1 Entry)
5. Tweet about this Giveaway. Can be done daily.  (1 entry a day)

Enter to win STRIDE Everyday Panty on @FrugalScience
6. Grab my button and put it on your homepage (Can be found on right hand side).  Leave a link to where I can find the button in the comments. (4 Entries)
7.  Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to the post in the comments (3 Entries)

This giveaway will end on October 11th at 11:59 pm CST.  The winner will be contacted and will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen.  

*I received a free panty in exchange for this review.  I also received a STRIDE Everyday Panty Media Kit with information for this review.  All opinions on the product are my own. 

If you link up your STRIDE Everyday Panty Giveaway, I would greatly appreciate it if you would mention my giveaway and leave a link to my post at the end of your Giveaway!  

A Blog Award!


That Sweet Blogger over at Kat's Confessions gave me this award!  Kat has an awesome page so you should definitely check it out!! 

Blog Awards always make me happy because who doesn't want confirmation that people are reading and LIKING what you write!  

Now on to the rules!

1 - Post who gave you this award. 
2 - Name 10 things you like.
3 - Give this award to 10 other people and notify them with a comment.

1. Kat from Kat's Confessions gave me this award. Thanks so much Kat! 

2. I like:

  • Cheese!  I'm overly obsessed with it and must have at least a little everyday!  
  • Reality TV- it cracks me up that people actually do some of that stuff!  
  • Texas Football!  
  • Blogging- Duh! :-)
  • Purses!  Coach is my guilty obsession!  
  • Going out to eat!
  • Baking!  I'm not a great cook, but I love to bake!
  • No Traffic!  My commute into work is at least an hour...without traffic!
  • Shopping!  I definitely use coupons while buying household goods and food so that I can afford my "real" shopping!  
  • People!  I generally enjoy meeting new people- in person or through the blog! 
3. The blogs I chose to send out this award to are:

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of September 25th

Link Up Your Giveaways!!

While y'all are submitting your giveaways...

Enter into my 
Pillsbury Sweet Moments Giveaway (10/7)
STRIDE Everyday Panty Giveaway (10/11)

To get more publicity for your giveaway...check out my friend Tatum's Weekend Giveaway Linky!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wilton Cupcakes N' More 38 Ct Dessert Stand Review


This is my little creation using the 
At first, I thought of it as a cupcake stand, but oh was I wrong!!  There are so many uses for this stand!! In the picture above, I used a mini muffin pan for bite size and portion control brownies.  I have used this stand for brownies, rice krispies, fruit, muffins, and cupcakes!!!  At first I thought that I would use this for entertainment purposes only but I have had it for 3 weeks now and EVERY week I have made something to put on it!  
One problem that we have is..."Out of Site, Out of Mind".  This is often a problem in many households which causes food to go bad without being consumed in time.  When I made muffins two weeks ago, I left them on the stand and everyone remembered to grab one for breakfast on their way out!  
I would HIGHLY recommend this cupcake stand to ANYONE!!  
An amazing feature about is that they provide various ideas for you for purposes of the item that you purchase.  This Cupcakes N' More 38 Ct Dessert Stand had numerous ideas and I have included pictures of two of them.  
Photobucket Photobucket
I have not "Entertained" with this stand yet, but I cannot wait to!  I have told numerous people at work about this product because I absolutely LOVE it!  Everyone who has stopped by and seen the stand has complimented us on it (even my boyfriend's brothers!!!)  Based on your decorating expertise, you can make this a centerpiece for a birthday party instead of a cake and so forth.  My mom actually has the Cupcakes N' More 23 Count Standard Dessert Stand and we have already discussed combining them and using them for future events such as birthday parties for the nieces and nephew!  

*I received this cupcake stand free of charge from Wilton in exchange for this review.  No other compensation was given.  

A Day For Quotes 9/19

A Day With Two

Believe in the power of your own choices to re-create the world.

- Deborah Ellis 
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of September 18th

Link Up Your Giveaways!!
And enter into my...
Fantasy Jewelry Box Giveaway (9/21)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Betty Crocker 20 Ways to Stretch Your Food Dollar

I am subscribed to Betty Crocker's e-mails and on their most recent e-mail that had some money saving tips.  I'm sure that most of y'all follow these tips already but there were some tips that I was not aware of and will definitely start paying attention to such as:
Choose from the top or bottom shelves in the grocery store. Items at eye level are usually more expensive.

If you would like to read more tips, go to Betty Crocker's 20 Ways to Stretch Your Food Dollar!

A Day For Quotes 9/12

A Day With Two

Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.

- Siddhartha Gautama Buddha 
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of September 11th

Link Up Your Giveaways!!
Enter into my
Fantasy Jewelry Box Giveaway (9/21)

Tatum's Family Reviews Linky is also up right now if you want some more places to link up!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

CVS Purchase 9/7

This week's deals aren't great money makers or anything but I had $28 in extra bucks expiring so I was forced to purchase lots of stuff and what better than the essentials!!  I also forgot to use my $1/1 Scott Paper towel rolls coupon and completely forgot about the Trident deal even though I brought my coupon!  But despite all of's my purchase this week:

I purchased:

Total: $37.66
After Coupons: $26.98
ECB Used: $24 ECB
Total Paid on Gift Card: $2.98
ECB Received: $7
Net Loss of $17 ECB and $2.98 on GC
Not what I'm used to with CVS but I think that all of them were good buys on items that we use around the house. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Upcoming CSN Stores Review!!!

Since I am moving into a new place soon, I need SOO many items!!  
A great place to get all of these items is CSN Stores!!  
One of their amazing products that I've been looking at are their Bistro Sets!!  
These are great for both apartments and houses which is perfect for me since I'll still be moving around for the next few years!!  Whether you are looking for an apartment, a kitchen nook, Pub Set, or even dining room table...these Bistro Sets are perfect!!  
What makes CSN Stores so great when it comes to these sets is that they have FREE SHIPPING on most of them!!  What a concept?!?  I've seen other retailers that will charge as much as $250 for shipping!  Even for them to put it together for you in the room of your choice and remove the packaging the price is about $150!  If you have somebody handy around though, they allow you to make that choice instead of forcing you to have it delivered for an outrageous charge.  

I am going to be hosting a Review soon!  
It's going to be another item that I need for my new place!
Be on the look out for the Review!!  

Monday Mailbox!


Giveaways Won:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

CLOSED: Wind Warrior Blog Tour Giveaway

Closed: Cynthia has picked the Winners for her Wind Warrior Blog Tour Giveaway.  Thanks for everyone who has entered!  

Wind Warrior Blog Tour Giveaway
Sept 1 ~ Sept. 30

Cynthia Roberts, author of her debut historical romance, Wind Warrior has something pretty darn dynamic for all of Frugal Science Gal's visitors, friends and subscribers ... one of the largest blog tour promotional giveaways ever attempted. 

Breaking into the world of romance fiction is a challenge unto itself but more so, when you’re a newly published author.  Frugal Science Gal is excited to participate in this venture with Cynthia and help introduce Wind Warrior to the world of romance readers.  The bonus … every one has the chance to compete for not one, but five pretty extraordinary prizes which will include:

1. Romantic Two-lid willow picnic basket with deluxe service for two ~ $125.00 value
2. Succulent Godiva Chocolate Tier ~ $75.00 value
3. Exquisite Pearl & Crystal Necklace ~ $50.00 value
4. Amazon Gift Certificate ~ $25 value
5. Amazon Gift Certificate ~ $25 value
To view the gifts & read further descriptions visit her website at

Contest Rules Are As Follows

1.      Tweet the following text:  "Wind Warrior by Cynthia Roberts. A story of longing, of a wanton need to survive all odds & a love so strong it conquers human evil.  On sale now at Amazon, Borders & Barnes and Nobel."  (1 Entry per Day for Repost)
2.      Post  "Wind Warrior by Cynthia Roberts. A story of longing, of a wanton need to survive all odds & a love so strong it conquers human evil.  On sale now at Amazon, Borders & Barnes and Nobel." Facebook and leave a link. (1 Entry Per Day for Repost)
3.      Become a fan of Frugal Science Gal on Facebook. (1 Entry)
4. Follow Frugal Science Gal on GFC (1 Entry)
5. Subscribe to Frugal Science Gal via e-mail (1 Entry)
6.      The list of participating blogs are registered on Cynthia’s website and you may enter to win on every one, however, only one family member may do so in a household.
7.      Open to ALL not just the US & Canada
8.      Each participating blog will randomly choose five entrants to compete for the grand prize pool where the final 5 winners will be randomly selected
9.      Winners will be chosen on Sept. 30th and notified via email by Cynthia
10.      All finalists must provide their email, name and official delivery address at the time of finalist selection to (name of blog)
11.  All prizes will be shipped no later than Oct. 30th directly from the distributor
12.  The steps above will be checked to determine your eligibility.

A little about Wind Warrior:
Wind Warrior ~ The Iroquois Series ~ Book One

Leslie Michaels is a visionary, and only those close to her know of her special gift and the visions that come when her mind and body surrender to sleep.  Fate has a way of righting many wrongs, and for Leslie it is a destiny that changes her life dramatically. But not before she is forced to flee into the wilderness to escape a murderous trapper bent on claiming her for his very own.  Faith and a strong will to survive are her only companions, until she encounters Winnokin, the handsome Seneca war chief who first came to her in her dreams.  Not only does he prove to be her rescuer and protector, he teaches her that tragedy can breed happiness and the passion to live and love deeply once again.

Wind Warrior plunges readers into the intimate depths of a relationship that unfolds like a live drama before their eyes while painting an insightful and intriguing portrait of Native Indian life in the 1800s.  It is a story of longing, of a wanton need to survive all odds, and a love so strong it conquers human evil. Wind Warrior expresses with cunning words the simple, raw human emotions that hold readers spellbound and captivates their hearts.

On Sale Now at Amazon, Borders, Barnes and Nobel  ISBN# 978-1-61663-162-8.  Read more than a dozen reviews on her website at

*This post was an adapted Template provided by Cynthia Roberts.  As a result of this post I am entered into a separate drawing for the same above items along with all of the other participating bloggers.  

Old Navy Coupon Winners!!


The Old Navy Coupon Giveaway Winners Are...

sarahm said...252
i'm following you on GFC

Summer said...467
Giveaway tweet.
jerseygirl137 said...399
Following @FrugalScience on Twitter as @jerseygirl137
MomOnTheEdge said...428
Blogged. Entry #1
ellecee said...208
I just subscribed to your emails and confirmed the subscription. entry 1
Ashley said...358
I follow Old Navy on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
Josee said...185
I like Frugal Science Gal on Facebook(JoseeParent). #1
Thanks for the giveaway :)
coriwestphal said...178
I like you on FB: Cori Eckstrom Westphal
Entry 2
TiffsPixieDust said...473
I "like" them and commented on their wall .... 2
Tatum said...114
Subscribe via email #1


Thank you for everyone who has entered!!  

A big thanks to M80 on behalf of Old Navy for hosting this giveaway!

Don't forget to enter the Fantasy Jewelry Box Giveaway (9/21)

A Day For Quotes 9/5

A Day With Two

Appreciation is a wonderful thing  It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of September 4th!

Link Up Your Giveaways!!
While you are here...
Enter into my
Fantasy Jewelry Box Giveaway (9/21)
Old Navy $50 off $100 Coupon Giveaway--10 Winners!!! (9/5)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

CLOSED: Old Navy $50 off $100 Purchase Coupon Giveaway - 10 WINNERS!!!


Old Navy has given me the opportunity to give 10 $50 off of a $100 purchase coupons!!! 
The coupons are valid from 9/3-9/9.

This giveaway could not land on a better weekend!!
1. Labor Day Weekend= An extra day for shopping!!!
2.  School starting--maybe your child just went to school and saw the "New Style" this year and wants to go shopping again...what better place than to get that style than at Old Navy!!
3. Weekly Ad  Deals-- can be found under the "Weekly Ad" tab at
4. ITEM OF THE WEEK!!  The Item of the Week: Women's Lightweight Pea Coats.  Double-breasted style with buttons and a side zip.  For...wait for it...$20!!!  The regular price is $39.50.  This deal is good 9/3-9/9 in stores only. 

Also on don't forget to play "Barker's Bones" while you are there.  You just have to click the tab to dig around for this week's highest-value, unlimited coupon: $10 off $50.  You can play "Barker's Bones" once a week for Super Savings!!  Happy Digging!!  

Now, what y'all have been waiting for...
Enter to win 1of 10 $50 off $100 Coupons Giveaway!!! 

Mandatory Entry:
1.  Follow my blog on Google Friend Connect. 
(1 entry)
Please make sure to leave your e-mail address in EVERY entry.
Thank you
Extra Entries:
1. Lightweight Pea Coats come in fab array of colors. What’s your fave for fall fun-brights or neutrals?  (2 Entries)
2. "Like" Old Navy on Facebook and tell them "I just entered into $50 off $100 Coupon Giveaway on Frugal Science Gal!"  Make sure to leave your screen name in the comment. (2 Entries)
3. "Like" Frugal Science Gal on Facebook (2 Entries) 
2. Subscribe to my blog via e-mail and make sure to confirm the subscription. (2 Entries)
3. Follow 
@FrugalScience on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID in the comment. (1 Entry)
4. Follow 
Old Navy
 on Twitter and leave your Twitter ID. (1 Entry)
5. Tweet about this Giveaway. Can be done daily.  (1 entry a day)

Enter to win 1 of 10 $50 off $100 Old Navy Coupon @FrugalScience
6. Grab my button and put it on your homepage (Can be found on right hand side).  Leave a link to where I can find the button in the comments. (4 Entries)

7.  Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to the post in the comments (10 Entries)

This giveaway will on September 5th at 12:00 Noon CST!!  Get ENTERING!!!   

*I did not receive a product or compensation to host this giveaway.  Coupons are valid from 9/3-9/9.  Old Navy cannot replace a coupon that was not redeemed in the correct time frame

**Want more chances to win one of these coupons?  Check out Sara the Savvy Shopper happening this weekend, too!
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