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Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Day For Quotes 1/30

A Day With Two

Knowing is not enough; we must apply.  Willing is not enough; we must do. 

-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of 1/29

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Upcoming CSN Stores Review!

We moved into our new place about 2 months ago.  We still don't have all of our walls filled up with decorations yet.  One place I'm going to go to find some new Wall Art and Decor is  One of the many stores that they have is  

They have a GREAT selection of products that ANYONE can use in their home!  Whether you like the ultra-modern or the traditional...there are products for every home! has everything from mirrors...
to rugs...
to wallpaper!!  YES...That's wallpaper!!  Love it!

Keep a lookout for the upcoming review!!
I may pick an item from or from one of the other 200+ CSN Stores!!! 
The options are endless...the difficult part is being decisive. 
Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Day For Quotes 1/23

A Day With Two

What you risk reveals what you value.

-Jeanette Winterson
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of 1/22

Link Up Your Giveaways!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Day For Quotes 1/16

A Day With Two

To be happy is to be able to become aware of oneself without fright.

-Walter Benjamin
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Link Up Your Giveaways! Week of 1/15

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Review: myScentEssence

When I received my Scent Lamp, I was surprised with the physical appearance of the unit.   This is the unit that I received:
I have to say that this picture does not do the unit justice at all.  It is SOOO much cuter in person!!  The light comes through each of those squares in just a perfefct way!
For the aroma, I put the recommended 25  pieces of Scent Shakes into the dish and turned it up to the brightest setting and within a matter of 10 minutes, the scent filled the ENTIRE living room.  I want to point out that our living room is open to the kitchen and the upstairs and it literally could be smelt everywhere in the room!  It does state that the higher the level of lighting, the stronger the aroma and WOW! It works!
In this picture you can see the size of the individual pieces (I put 25 small pieces out of one small container into the warmer.)
The next time I used it, I turned it on to a lower light setting and it released a more subtle fragrance.  I would recommend this setting more because on the highest setting the light is pretty bright, too bright to have in direct sight.  If you put it away from direct sight though, the highest setting is the most effective for filling a full room with wonderful fragrance!

Another amazing part of these is that the scents last a REALLY long time.  I have added pieces of the wax since I first got it but it is still going strong!  Personally, I don't have this on all the time but I use it when people are coming over (FOR SURE! I've received many compliments on how amazing our place smells) and when I need a little pick me up of freshness.  I can't tell you how long the scent would last if you have it on 24/7, but I can tell you that even if you just turn it on and off not only will the fragrance last in  the room, but the wax will still be smelling wonderful after many uses!  I think that this is really one of the most cost efficient air freshners I have ever used!

And....myScentEssence is Safe!!  I love that it doesn't have a flame involved.  If you have small children I would keep them away from it still though because the wax does melt.  The hot wax could be harmful to a small child but this is still a MUCH safer alternative to candles.  I like that it's not a spray either.  I always worry about the chemicals that are being released into the air with a spray that my family is then subjected to breathing in.   

The fragrances myScentEssence offers are very extensive and amazing!  I was given several fragrances to try and my favorite was the RainShowers (a close second was Waterfalls).  If you like the "Fresh" scent of air freshners than you will love this one!! 

In order to try out the scents I would recommend that you purchase the 2 oz container for only $4.50!!! Then when you find the one that is PERFECT for your home go ahead and purchase the 10 oz tub for only $14.50!  This will last you a LONG time! 

I would definitely recommend this to anyone!!  Really!!  I can't get over how much I love this product!  I will DEFINITELY be purchasing refills for MANY years to come!!!

*I received the warmer as a winner on a giveaway and was given additional scents from the company as part of this review.  I was not compensated for this review and all opinions are my own. 
Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Day For Quotes 1/9

A Day With Two

Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment.

- Baltasar Gracian
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of 1/8

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

#FranksRedHot Recipe using #HamBeach

Did you know that Frank's Red Hot had more than one sauce?

I didn't before this opportunity.  I am so glad that I discovered all of the other options that can be found at...Walmart!!  On their website you can find all the different varieties of sauces they have!  They have them for almost every occasion you could want a sauce!  Just look at these flavors: Red Hot Original, Red Hot Extra Hot, Red Hot Chili N Lime.  They also have several WING choices to choose from: Red Hot Buffalo Wings Sauce, Red Hot Hot Buffalo Wings Sauce, Red Hot Sweet Heat BBQ Sauce.  Even more a Red Hot Chili For Dipping and More!!!  I believe that ALL of these are "And More"! 

When we went to Walmart we found the Red Hot Buffalo Wings Sauce.  Although this is a "Wing" sauce, doesn't mean you can't use it for much more!!  Personally, I made BBQ sandwiches with this sauce.  Yum!!  It was a great combination of spicy and tangy.  

Even better...the recipe I used was using a Hamilton Beach Slow Cooker.  What does this mean?  Prepare it...stick it in...and wait!  Just that simple!!  It was great to know that I already had dinner going early. 


1 lb Pork Chop
1/2 can of Beef Broth
6 oz of Franks Red Hot Buffalo Wings Sauce

Put Pork Chops and Beef Broth in Slow Cooker.  Cook on high for 4 1/2 hours.  Shred pork (I used two forks).  Put shredded pork in non-stick skillet.  Pour and mix in Franks Red Hot Buffalo Wings Sauce.  And...You're Done!!!  Put over bread or eat plain.  Either way, it's amazing!!  I will definitely be using this sauce for many more recipes in the future!!!


*I was compensated by and received a Hamilton Beach Slow Cooker from Collective Bias for this shop.
Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Day For Quotes 1/2

A Day With Two

Patience is necessary, and one cannot reap immediately where one has sown.

-Soren Kierkegaard
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of 1/1

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