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Friday, September 9, 2011

Confession Time

So, I have a confession...I have stopped couponing! 

That's right, until today, I haven't cut a coupon in almost 12 months!!!  Ahh!!  To fill y'all in, I got engaged!  Yep, I started a new blog to follow the engagement, South Texas Wedding.  That's taken a lot of time with the wedding planning and blog AND I started my professional career (night shift to boot), we moved into our first apartment, he started his professional career, (coaching so we have games once  a week), and traveling back home at least once a month...just to name a couple!  


I mean, I still go down the aisles of HEB and take the little yellow coupons that they have on hand, but nothing similar to the way I used to coupon.  And...we are on our last bottle of shampoo and last deodorant stick. Our stockpile has lasted almost 1 whole year, but it's exhausted now.  Being the Frugal Science Gal I am, I'm having a really hard time paying full price for a bottle of shampoo!  

So, here it is...I'm starting my couponing journey again.  Since I don't have as much time to plan the shopping trip like I used to so I think I am going back the the  coupon file folder.  Each week I'm going to go through the ads and cut the coupons of the products that we use.  I mean, even if I'm only saving $0.25 on a product that we use all the time, it is better than nothing.  Hopefully I'll get closer to the way it was before!  

We need to save money for our Wedding!!


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