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Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Day For Quotes 11/28

A Day With Two

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow.  

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of November 27th

Link Up Your Giveaway

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Day For Quotes 11/21

A Day With Two

Many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness.  It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.

-Helen Keller
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of November 20th

Link Up Your Giveaway

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I was Featured On...

Today, I was featured on Cookies & Clogs for Baby Blogger Thursday!  This is for all of you bloggers out there who have been blogging for less than a year. 
TerriAnn is so sweet and as many of us are...just trying to help out a fellow blogger!!  Check out her site and the post featuring me!!!

Baby Blogger Thursday

Del Monte Giveaway Ends Tonight!!!


The Del Monte Giveaway for $25 Gift Certificate towards Del Monte Fruit and Vegetables Ends TONIGHT!!

Enter NOW!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Day For Quotes 11/14

A Day With Two

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

-Maria Robinson
Saturday, November 13, 2010

CSN Upcoming Review!!!

CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find anything you need whether it be a chic handbag, bathroom shelving or even cute cookware!

Photobucket can find almost ANYTHING!!  I can shop for HOURS and HOURS at CSN Stores!!  We have bought so much for our new apartment here because the prices are fantastic, they have such a wide variety of items and they are all in one place!!  

So, when CSN Stores contacted me to do a product review of course I was ecstatic!!  Who doesn't love to spend countless hours online like a kid in a candy shop?!  The product I chose is both practical and useful in many households.  Can't wait for y'all to read the review that will be coming soon!!  Get excited to be exposed to yet another WONDERFUL item from CSN Stores!!!  

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of November 13th

Link Up Your Giveaway
Enter into my Del Monte Giveaway (11/18)--Low Entries!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Day For Quotes 11/7

A Day With Two

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

-Eleanor Roosevelt
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Link Up Your Giveaways!! Week of November 6th

Link Up Your Giveaways

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Del Monte Teacher Monday Giveaway


I absolutely love companies that give back to the community!  Del Monte is currently offering TEACHER MONDAY!  There are only two weeks left so get started soon!!

A Statement from Del Monte:
“Monday’s can be difficult for all of us, but public school teachers face even bigger challenges these days with the largest budget cuts in 30 years expected this academic year,” said Dennis Christou, Vice President, Marketing, North America for Del Monte Fresh Produce. “Larger classrooms and far less supplies are putting enormous pressure on our teachers. The “Teacher Monday” program was designed to take some of the burden off teachers, many who pay for school supplies out of their own pockets. It will also provide teachers with tools and incentives to incorporate healthy eating messages into their curriculums, giving us an opportunity to help school children eat and live healthier,” Christou added.
I personally appreciate this program because as a teacher's girlfriend, I know about the "Budget" cuts.  There is actually no budget and we are responsible for providing school supplies for the classroom...even chalk!!  I'm sure this is the case for many teachers across America and companies that are giving back to the community for the education of America is amazing!!

"Teacher Monday: Cash for Classrooms" is an effort to support schools in less developed countries!  This is such a neat program!  Each winning U.S. classroom will be linked with a school in Guatemala or Costa Rica. The 50 schools in Guatemala or Costa Rica will ALSO receive $1000 for school supplies!!  
The U.S. classrooms will receive $750 in cash to purchase school supplies and $250 in Del Monte fresh fruit coupons for classroom snacks.

In order to enter into the contest go to "Teacher Monday: Cash for Classrooms", teachers will need to register with their name and school.  The next step is to get VOTES!!  This can be from anyone...fellow teachers, students, parents, family, friends, etc!!  The 10 teachers that have the highest amount of votes each Monday will receive the prize package!!

To learn more about special promotions and stay connected to Del Monte, follow Del Monte on Facebook and Del Monte on Twitter.

TWO lucky winners will receive a $25 Gift Certificate Booklet for Del Monte Fresh Produce!!

Mandatory Entry:
1. Follow me on GFC (1 entry)
Please make sure to leave your e-mail address in EVERY entry.  Thank you! 
Extra Entries:
1. "Like" Frugal Science Gal on Facebook (1 Entry) 
2. "Like" Del Monte on Facebook (1 Entry
3.  Subscribe to my blog via e-mail and make sure to confirm the subscription. (2 Entries)
4. Follow @DelMonteFresh on Twitter and leave your Twitter ID in the comment. (1 Entry)
5. Follow @FrugalScience on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID in the comment. (1 Entry)
6. Grab my button and put it on your homepage (Can be found on right hand side).  Leave a link to where I can find the button in the comments. (4 Entries)
7.  Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to the post in the comments (3 Entries)

This giveaway will end on November 18th at 11:59 pm CST.  The winner will be contacted via the e-mail address provided in the comments and will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen. 

*I did not receive any products or compensation for this review.  The giveaway items are sponsored by Del Monte.
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