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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Walgreens Deals!

These are my favorite deals of the week and therefore the purchases I made!
To see other Walgreens Deals, you can visit Saving with Shellie's website.

Purchase #1:
Dove Shampoo $4
-$2 manufacturer coupon
Dentek Floss $2
-$1 manufacturer coupon (SS 1/17)
Subtotal: $3.00
RR Gained: $4 (Dove) and $2 (Dentek Floss)

Purchase #2:
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix: $1
Clean & Clear Morning Burst: $5.59 (after 20% discount)
Clean & Clear Facial Scrub: $5.19 (after 20% discount)
-$2 Clean & Clear manufacturer coupon
-$2 Clean & Clear manufacturer coupon
-$2 RR from previous purchase
Subtotal: $ 5.78
RR Gained: $3 (Clean & Clear)

Purchase #3:
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix: $1
Dove Shampoo $4
-$2 manufacturer coupon
Dentek Floss $2
-$1 manufacturer coupon (SS 1/17)
-$4 RR from Purchase #1
Subtotal: $0
RR Gained: $4 (Dove) and $2 (Dentek Floss)

Money Spent: $9.01
RR Gained: $9
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Coupon Preview 3/28/10


Here is a list of coupons that are in this Sunday's paper. I actually print these out and use them to help organize my coupon filing system. They might help you do the same! Just click here to view the Sunday Coupon Preview.

They even have a 2010 Sunday Coupon Insert Schedule that shows which Sundays will not have coupon inserts. This is really useful if you do not have the Sunday paper sent to your door so that you do not go out and buy the paper with the intention of getting coupons and become disappointed with a paper without coupons. A heads up: Next Sunday will have no coupon inserts!

RFID Tags- Where do coupons fit in?


RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags are the possibly the future of shopping. These are essentially microchips that according to James M. Tour of Rice University “You could run your cart by a detector and it tells you instantly what’s in the cart,” which would create, “No more lines, you just walk out with your stuff.”

As we all love to shop, this sounds like a great concept. But, it gets even better. I have personally experienced going to the store to buy groceries for dinner only to get home and see that an item I have bought was expired. Then I was forced to drive all the way back to the store, exchange it for a product that not expired, and then drive all the way back home before I could even start dinner. These chips will not only store the price of the item, but how long it has been on the shelf. According to several articles I read, the shelves would be "smart shelves" and the stores would be able to catch expired groceries instantly through a computer system instead of a stock person having to manually check every item individually. These "smart shelves" would also help stores keep up with inventory because that's another imperfection about stores, is going for a specific item only to get there and realize they no longer have it in stock.

The concept of these tags have been out for a while, but in the silicon version. (The silicon version is what is on your windshield if y'all have toll roads.) The creation of the new nano RFID tags makes it much more plausible for companies to switch over to using RFID tags because the price of production went down from about 50 cents to 3 cents.

So, with all of this new technology what does this mean for coupons? Will all coupons convert into "Clip-Free" coupons that many stores with "Rewards Cards" such as Kroger have already developed. Will there be no more Sunday paper where we all rush out and get excited about the deals that paper will bring? Will we simply going onto Shortcuts or Cellfire every Sunday morning and load the coupons? I don't know. It will be interesting to see where this new technology takes us!

I have tried to explain this to the best of my ability and make it relevant to us shoppers, but if you are really interested and want more information, here are a couple of websites on the topic.
RFID Journal

Comments are welcomed!!!
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Solar Power Target Deal

Target has a great deal on their ReNew Mini Solar Lights. They are currently $3 and with this coupon which is $2 off, they are only $1 each. I went to Target today and found them. They are definitely Mini, but could go well in a yard if put in the right locations. The best part is that they are SOLAR!! Solar lighting is usually an investment that will pay off in the long run, but is expensive to start with. With these lights only being $1, it's a great way to start!

Many people have heard that Solar Lighting is the way to go because it is utilizing a renewable natural element, the sun. I thought that I would share a little about solar lighting with y'all. The theory behind solar lighting is capturing the sunlight and converting it into electrical energy using a photovoltaic cell. The photovoltaic cells are based on photons of light that force electrons into a higher energy state in order to create the electricity.

If you have been considering switching to solar power, on this website ( they will actually approximate how much you can save by switching to solar power.

(On a side note...Target also gives you a $0.05 discount every time you use a recycle bag when making a purchase.)

My First Post

Hi! My name is Liz and I am hoping to be able to share with y'all some science articles that I find interesting and some great coupon deals! This is brand new to me so it will be interesting to see how the blog grows! I hope y'all enjoy it along the way! Comments and feedback will be greatly appreciated. I'm excited to start this new journey! :-)
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